About Us
Alban Oil PLC, incorporated in the year 2005, with Registration no 05423631.The Company started with the aim of becoming United Kingdom Largest and among the largest Refinery in the world. As at today Alban Oil PLC boast of robust Industrial Standard that can handle a whooping 669,000 B/D daily production capacity for refine oil, 44,700B/D daily production capacity Lube oil not to name it.
Alban Oil PLC’s And is taking its place as lube base oil maker with international competiveness. we are becoming the leading oil refining company to lead the future in achieving high product values and optimization of all production facilities. Thanks to Our Dedicated Staff and Customer who make this dream Reality.Additionally, all wastewater is collected in separate tanks with special features that allow it to be cleaned before being discharged safely into the environment. Our refinery runs under stringent regulations regarding emissions output as required by law which ensures everyone here can work heavily everyday better product creations with an eye towards eco-friendly operation methods that meet both local and national standards simultaneously – giving customers alike greater choices when they shop around for processing services like ours! We are a petroleum refinery, located in the Kazakhstans and operating since 201. We specialize in the production of high-quality diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, aviation gasolines and heavy fuel oils for our vast customer base.
Our Core Services
Environmental Consulting & Compliance
Alban Oil PLC’s environmental scientists and engineers have provided expert technical support to DoD and DOE facilities across the United Kingdom.Let us put this wealth of experience to work for you.
Facility Planning Services
Alban Oil PLC provides planners and facility managers comprehensive planning and programming services offering the information necessary to successfully manage and sustainably develop their facilities portfolio.
Geophysical Investigations
Alban Oil PLC uses the application of geophysics to solve challenging geologic, environmental, engineering, or other scientific problems providing an alternative and often unique insight into the subsurface unlike more conventional assessment methods.
Well and Aquifer Tests
Alban Oil PLC employs several nationally-recognized subject-matter experts with advanced degrees and decades of experience in hydrogeology and groundwater chemistry, as well as in the installation, testing, and rehabilitation of all types of wells
Civil & Geotechnical Engineering
Alban Oil PLC offers complete turnkey Civil and Geotechnical Engineering solutions to both public and private enterprises.